Come hear my new book talk Feb. 1

I’ll be giving an interactive online talk–complete with video and art!–through the distinguished series organized by Valley Beit Midrash in Phoenix. If you’re interested and available, you can learn more and sign up to attend here.

New Review by Professor Steven Kepnes

Rabin offers us the Biblical heroes as spiritual models for ourselves today and this makes his book wonderful to read and ponder. Read the full review of my book The Biblical Hero: Portraits in Nobility and Fallibility on p. 18 in the Jewish Observer here.

Why do we light the candles?

As we enter the holiday of Chanukkah during this dark Covid year when the pandemic is raging, here’s my twist on the meaning of the holiday lights. Chag urim sameach–Happy Holiday of Lights!

Rave review!

Check out the latest review of The Biblical Hero on the Jewish Book Council’s website. As Rabin’s excel­lent vol­ume so expert­ly teach­es us, the Bible’s por­tray­al of its heroes inspires us today ​“To have high expec­ta­tions of our lead­ers and to tol­er­ate their imper­fec­tions… Bib­li­cal heroes are role mod­els pre­cise­ly because of the dif­fi­cul­ties they encounter, both out …

Rave review! Read More »

The Same and Entirely Different

I’m truly honored to share my thoughts about the new school year for Jewish day schools on the blog of the Mayberg Center / JEIC.

The Bible in Du Bois

I recently had the pleasure of rereading W. E. B. Du Bois’s seminal book The Souls of Black Folk, a collection of essays that wonder between sociology and memoir, biography and fiction, objective reporting to personal lament, sewn together by a powerful literary voice. What particularly struck me this time was the effortless way that …

The Bible in Du Bois Read More »

New video! Joshua: Leading by Following

I’m honored to be part of the faculty that is producing a series of videos called “24 x 24,” lessons on the 24 books of Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) during the 24 days leading up to Passover. My video about the book of Joshua can be found here. I’m eager to hear your thoughts.